Last Sunday.. I went to church. I had not been to church since I think 2003 or 2004, with Matt's parents in Hoopeston. I told myself that I would go and see how I liked it. Well I loved it. I am really glad that I went. I will be going tomorrow as well. And August went too, and had his first experience in a "day care". He did really good, of course he was in the saucer the whole time.
Matt doesn't want to go, which I am having a really hard time with, but I think I just need to give it time...and maybe he will open up his heart again. He shared with me the night I asked him to go that he doesn't believe in "organized" religion.. which I understand, but at the same time, I have a hard time with it.
Other news, August will be 7 months old tomorrow! And today was the first day I didn't breast feed him! It was kind of weird, but I was ready and I think he was too. My boobs weren't producing anything really. I think he just sucked to suck! And I just didn't stop because it's been something we have done ever since he was born! But today I said... this is it.. and I gave him a bottle when he first woke up, no problems.
My boobs don't hurt as of yet.. maybe tomorrow they will but whatever I'll deal with it. It's not like they are producing much any way!
Faye's birthday party is tomorrow and I'm really excited about it! August is going to dress up in his Halloween costume!!!
Um.. ok..
OH and we haven't had a dryer in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We finally get a new washer and dryer on TUESDAY! Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see August in his costume today!
And the church thing, I totally know where you're at. Lane and I have had some pretty gnarly discussions lately about what he believes and what I believe. Maybe one day when we have some time we can all talk about it. I know it's kind of a "big" thing to talk about but it could be interesting... maybe not fun... but interesting.
And breastfeeding! You are so lucky. I want to be done! Faye is biting my boobs off!!! I'm ready to be done! You'll have to tell me how your boobs feel today. And if they get crazy just pump a tiny bit out... not all of it... just a little... to relieve pressure.
Okay! See you later today!
I pretty much stopped breast feeding Emerick around 7 months also. At that point he was only nursing in the morning, and night..or sometimes just at night, but getting him to nurse was like a big fight. he just didnt want it anymore. i barely made any milk either. when i stopped cold turkey one day, i never had any engorgement or pain. it was no big deal, and it is weird because i can still to this day (5 months later) squeeze a tiny drop of milk out of each side!
I am so happy Krista that you have gone back to church. I can honestly say for years I had been going through the motions of attending just because I knew it was the right thing to do but I feel now that our church is a very important part of our lives. We are very close to the people in our church and feel it is an extention of our family. I know I could count on them for anything if ever the need was there. We are fortunate to have a husband and wife minister team that has lead us in a very positive direction as a church. We are much more than a Sunday morning service. We have provided for many needs and services for the people in our community. The children are treated as an important aspect of our church as well. We always felt it was important to raise Matt and Morgan in a good Christian environment, to learn strong Christian values and the teachings of Jesus. I'm really happy that August will have the same opportunity at a young age. I deal with so many kids here at school that if only their parents had given them this chance when they were young they probably wouldn't have the problems they struggle with now. I hope that Matt will eventually share in the time with you and August as a family time together at church. Whatever his beliefs are now it sets such an important example to August. I'm really looking forward to Christmas Eve service with all of you this year! Love, Gwen
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