Right now, August is sleeping in his chair thing, Matt is on the floor sleeping with gibby and stewie and champion is upstairs sleeping on the computer chair.
I am up, watching 24 and decided it would be a good time to talk about the past week.
I am just going to start with when my parents got here on Friday..but I'll start with Sunday.
Sunday we decided to go to Fat Cats and walk the beach with Gibby. This was my due date and there was no sign of baby coming. My parents only had one week here, so he had to come and come soon!
So we went to Fat Cats and had a really good breakfast and then went to the "dog" side of Avila and took Gibby on a walk. We were there for a long time and saw 2 boston terriers! it was real cool. I was feeling good and didn't mind the walk. After awhile we went to visit my great grandma scharer in san luis, and after that went into AG.
We ended up going to Lori and Andys..where I finally met Jackson! We stayed there for dinner and left at about 9:30.
We got home and pretty much all went to bed.
At 3:30 am i woke up having contractions, they weren't too crazy and they weren't close together. They lasted until 6 and thats when I went back to bed.
So Monday morning I had my dr. appointment. My mom and I went and he said that I was still dilated at 1 and 90% effaced. He told me to come back Thursday if nothing happened.
My mom and I decided to go back to Avila to walk since it seemed that it worked yesterday that start contractions. We came back to the house and got some stuff and then went and got Matt and had a great lunch at stacked. Then we went to Avila and met Danielle there. Me and my mom and Danielle and our dogs walked the beach for 2 1/2 hours! It felt really good, but towards the end I was getting really tired.
We started heading to the car and I noticed my eye site wasn't the same. i was seeing this weird blurry dot in the middle of my vision, I decided not to drive because i couldnt really see too great.
We went to the new Trader Joes in Santa Maria to get dinner to cook that night. Wiss, my cousin Keri and Logan came over. Keri and Logan left at 1030 and then we all went to bed. (wiss made the red velvet cake and it was gooood)
So that night/morning...nothing!
Tuesday.. nothing was really done other than my mom and i cleaned up alittle bit and i ran some errands.
That night we went to Taco Tuesday and Cielto Lindo. I had 4 chicken tacos..which I usually eat only 2, but I said to myself.. i'm stuffing my face tonight and gonna make this baby come out!
We came home and watched American Idol. Went to bed at 10. I woke up at 11:50 with stomach pain, so I went to take a poop. I pooped but the pain kept coming back. I realized I was having contractions.. after having them for 2 hours (and after pooping 2 more times!) I started keeping track of them. They were lasting between 45-90 seconds and they were 4-10 minutes apart. They started getting 4-5 minutes apart for about an hour but then went back to being 6-8 minutes apart. At about 7 I went downstairs to tell my mom but that they started getting further and further apart.
I went and took a shower and was going to wait to call the doctor since they didn't open till 830. Matt got up and we went for a walk and then I came back and called the doctor. They told me to come right in. We got to the doctors at about 945 and they hooked me up to the monitors. After 15 minutes dr. callahan came in and checked me. I was 3-4 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced...I was officially in LABOR!
He told me to go into his office and he would get me the paper work and then to head over to the ER and get ready for this baby! Matt and I walked over to the hospital and just couldn't really believe it was actually happening. It was the weirdest moment...I just couldn't believe it!
I will post the actual LABOR story later. I am over writing!
Great, I was all into that story... Way to leave me hanging! I want to hear the rest! Sounds great so far. I want to know how you were feeling when you were 3-4 centimeters. I want to know more!!!
ditto! i thought i got to read the birth story!!!! hurry!
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