Wednesday, December 10, 2008


My farts are gross. and I have to wipe my butt after I fart.. cause really they are sharts.


Michelle said...

This has to be crossing some sort of line...G R O S S ! ! ! ! hahahaha.

Michelle said...

P.S. You really should post more pictures on here.

Anni said...

gross!!! are you sick or something???????????????????? and yes, post pictures too, of your belly and nursery progress and stuff.

Krista said...

Nursery progress.. RIGHT!!!!!
You should see that room, I went in there tonight and almost cried cause I feel like NOTHING is getting done! Matt's parents will be here next weekend, I know Gwen will help!
And I'm not sick, I just haven't pooped much.. and I did twice today! It was great. But my farts are just NASTY!

Erin said...

Sick Krista. You are crazy. That's why I love you.

taryn said...


wiss said...

Could you be any sicker?